Membership of Committees and External Bodies for 2024/25 is as follows:-
The Chair of the Council in 2024/25 is Councillor Dr Mo Misra and the Vice-Chair is Councillor C Gibson
A) Policy and Resources Committee (10 Members).
All members of the Council to be in membership of the Committee with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Council holding the same positions.
B) Environment and Amenities Committee (10 Members).
Membership to be all Councillors.
C) Village Fete Working Party (5 Members).
Membership to be Councillors Barrowclough, Gibson, King, Jefferies and Dr M. Misra. The position of Chair is currently vacant
D) Hall Management Committee (5 Members).
Membership to be Councillors Carreyett, Gibson, King, Mears and Dr. Misra. The position of the Chair is currently vacant.
E) Allotments Working Party (5 Members).
Membership to be Councillors Barrowclough, King, Stanyard-Jones, Mears and Dr Misra. Councillor P. King is the Chair.
F) Bio-Diversity Working Party (4 Members)
Membership to be Councillors Carreyett, Mears and Dr. Misra. Councillor Dr Misra is the Chair. (One vacancy).
G) Health and Safety Working Party (4 Members).
Membership to be Councillors Carreyett, Jefferies and Dr Misra . Councillor Dr. M. Misra is the Chair. (One vacancy).
H) Planning Working Party (5 members)
Membership is Councillors Augustian, Barrowclough, Carreyett, Gibson and Dr Misra.
I) Lewis Road Reserve Allotments Working Party (5 members)
Membership is Councillors Augustian, Gibson, Mrs Jefferies, Mears and Dr M. Misra.
J) Services to Older Persons Working Party (4 members)
Membership is Councillors Augustian, Carreyett, Jefferies and Dr M. Misra.
Membership for 2024/25 is as follows:
A) Community Liaison Committee with Town and Community Councils - Councillor Mrs S. Jefferies (Substitute: Councillor Dr M. Misra).
B) East Vale Community Transport Management Committee: Councillor D. Mears (Observer status)
C) One Voice Wales - Councillor Dr M. Misra. Councillor C. Gibson is the substitute member.
D) Llandough Hospital Our Orchard Project Group : Councillor P. Carreyett (Substitute: Councillor D. Mears)