Llandough Community Council was formed in 1982 and has 10 Councillors supported by a Clerk and two part-time Caretakers. The Council meets on a monthly basis during the year (excluding August) and meeting agendas are displayed on the two village noticeboards and on the website enabling local residents to be aware of what is being discussed and have the opportunity to attend meetings to observe proceedings. As the Council is a statutory consultee on all planning applications affecting the community area, a major role of the Council is to comment on such applications ensuring that the local issues of concern are conveyed to the Vale of Glamorgan Council.
The Council manages a large allotments site, village green, village garden and a pocket park known as ‘Brook Green.’ Five of the Councillors serve as the principal Trustees on the Llandough and Leckwith War Memorial Hall (village hall) Management Committee and with financial support from the Council, the Committee is proud to boast a well maintained and equipped Hall that is used for a wide variety of purposes in support of local groups and organisations as well as local people generally. The Council works closely with local organisations in arranging an annual village fete that is a highlight in the annual calendar providing a great day out for families and an opportunity for local organisations to generate funding in support of their activities. In addition, Christmas decorations are provided for the village and a community transport scheme is available to local people to help them to gain access to local supermarkets.