The Community Council was established in 1982 and comprises of 10 Councillors, a part-time Clerk and two part-time Caretakers. The Council meets on 12 occasions each year but does not meet in August. In support of the work of the Council, there are two standing Committees (Policy and Resources/Environment and Amenities Committee) and a range of Working Parties covering the management of the allotments site, the village fete, health and safety, community engagement and bio-diversity. All notices of Council and Standing Committee meetings are posted on the Council’s website and the noticeboards located outside the Llandough War Memorial Hall and close to the School on Dochdwy Road.
The Council has an active interest in working closely with local organisations and in particular the local primary school. In the case of the latter, one Councillor has been appointed as the School Liaison Officer whose role is to develop joint initiatives for the benefit of the pupils as well as the community generally.
The Council also works closely with the County Councillor for Llandough, Llandough Hospital and the Police.
Council news, events and information will be posted on social media when appropriate such as in the news section of this website and also on ‘LLandough Old and New Residents’ (Facebook) and the Nextdoor app.