Published: 13 Jan 23
1) The number of people with Flu is on the rise this winter, but we can all play our part to help stop the spread and keep each other safe.
We can:
• Wear masks
• Wash our hands
• Stay away from others when ill
• Meet outside when possible
1) Mae nifer y bobl sydd â ffliw ar gynnydd y gaeaf hwn, ond gallwn ni i gyd chwarae ein rhan i helpu i atal y ffliw rhag lledaenu a diogelu ein gilydd.
Beth am:
• Wisgo masg
• Golchi ein dwylo
• Cadw draw os ydych chi'n sâl
• Cwrdd tu allan, os yw'n bosibl
2) There are lots of little things we can all do to play our part in keeping ourselves and each other safe this winter. We can all help stop the spread of viruses like Flu and Covid by wearing masks, washing hands, staying away from others when ill and meeting outside if you can.
2) Mae llawer o bethau bach y gallwn ni i gyd eu gwneud i chwarae ein rhan a diogelu ein gilydd y gaeaf hwn. Gallwn ni i gyd helpu i atal feirysau fel Ffliw a Covid rhag lledaenu trwy wisgo masg, golchi ein dwylo, cadw draw os ydych chi'n sâl a chwrdd tu allan, os yw'n bosibl.