Vale of Glamorgan Well-Being Plan

Published: 21 June 2018

The Vale of Glamorgan Public Service Board has now published Our Vale – Our Future, the Vale of Glamorgan Well-being Plan. The Plan sets out how we will work together to make life better for everyone in the Vale – today and for future generations. We have agreed four Well-being objectives and we believe these objectives reflect what the PSB and partners can do together over the next five years to make life in the Vale better. Through these objectives we have set out the first steps towards achieving our long-term vision for 2050.

To promote the accessibility of the Well-being Plan and to make it easier for people to get involved with the work of the PSB, we have created a new website for the PSB. This is in response to feedback we received when we were out an about talking to people about the PSB and the Well-being Plan and a recognition that we needed to do more to help people to understand and engage with the PSB.

The website provides more information about what the PSB is and why it was established. It also sets out the evidence which was captured through our Well-being Assessment, our four Well-being Objectives and the full Well-being Plan. Through the website we will also be able to continue the conversations we started through our engagement on the Plan and Assessment. The Let’s Talk page will detail how you can pose questions to the PSB, and the consultations and events held by PSB partners across the Vale. We have also set up our own twitter feed @ValePSB through which we will provide updates and information about the PSB and the delivery of the Plan.

Following the publication of the Well-being Plan we are now beginning to develop the infrastructure which will support the implementation of Plan. All the information, comments and suggestions that we received during the consultation period have been collated and mapped against the relevant actions in the Plan to help inform the way forward.

Different PSB partners will lead on different actions and we will be looking to work with a range of organisations and community groups to help shape the way forward and deliver the Plan.

For more information please take a look at our website – or follow us on twitter @VOGPSB ;if you have any queries please do not hesitate to send us an email or give us a ring.